Week 4 of 8 week challenge: Fats & Oils- Making Ghee

We are now in Week 4 of the NOSH ROCKS 8-week challenge to Radiant Health.  We have moved to the implementation stage and the ladies are starting to feel good and experience some more space in their clothes. It is turning out to be good fun as we learn, cook and dine together.

This week is about how to introduce good fats and oils into our daily lives. At this implementation stage we want to have at least 2 tablespoons of good fat with every meal. One of the better fats which I have come across is Ghee which smells and tastes delicious!

Ghee is clarified butter and is very simple to make. It is more concentrated in fat than butter, as the water and milk solids have been removed. Removing the milk solids (lactose which is sugar) means that you can store it longer and it doesn’t have to be kept in the fridge. In addition, it can be used to cook at higher temperatures than butter.

Method: Melt butter   forming on the bottom. Remove from the heat and filter through muslin or a coffee filter. Use for frying, baking etc

N.B. There are many positive health benefits of ghee and it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Check it out on the internet.


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