Become a NOSH ROCKS Star

READY FOR THE NOSH ROCKS Mind & Body Transformation Challenge

Spring into our Highly Successful  10wk GBP Health Gain Challenge

Spring into our Highly Successful  10wk USD Health Gain Challenge

Transform your Health and Body with nutrient-rich food

Transform your Mind and your Outlook with positive thoughts

Become Slim and Healthy inside to radiate this health outside

Gain your Ideal Weight and Shape without hunger


Imagine that little bit of weight that you have been gaining every year would just disappear and stay away!

Imagine that your niggly pains and health issues just disappearing, leaving you happier, inspire, excited with oodles more energy!

Imagine your foods and drinks taste delicious whilst fully satisfying and nourishing your body!

Come and join us on the 10 week Mind and Body Transformation Challenge. 10 weeks to tweak your eating and lifestyle habits for an easy effortless, permanent, positive change.


With NOSH ROCKS online Mind & Body Transformation we support you on a journey of discovery, a RITE of passage to Radiant Health. Together we Learn about foods and drinks which really nourish and satisfy our bodies, Food which takes away the hunger and ROCKS our bodies! We learn how our minds work and the powerful impact it has to manage our weight, easily, effortlessly. We also learn about the newer nutritional science; our friendly gut flora, fructose, importance of quality dietary fat. Then we discover vitamin and mineral powerhouses and how to include them in your daily life along with other health boosting tips and tricks.

ONLY      £111,

or             $144 

Check out the testimonials. Weight reduction, down in cms, no hunger, pain just disappears. They are people like you who have learned the secrets!

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